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Wendt, Dennis Jr., Ph.D. Candidate



I am a Ph.D. candidate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Michigan. I am primarily interested in the interplay between evidence-based practice and culturally-centered mental health treatment, especially for groups and individuals with values that are inconsisent with Western individualist values embodied by mainstream psychology. I am currently assisting my advisor, Joseph Gone, with a community-based pilot study about integrating Native American traditional healing practices with mainstream mental health services at an urban health clinic. I also am interested in cultural differences concerning the role of "place" and "home" for healing, meaning, identity, and intergenerational connection. I am currently exploring these roles in the context of urban-dwelling American Indians involved with an urban health clinic. Other research interests include philosophy of social sciences, qualitative inquiry in psychology, philosophy of operationism in psychology, the therapeutic alliance, values in psychotherapy, cultural psychology, community psychology, ecopsychology, and decolonizing methodologies.


Selected Publications


Wendt, D. C. & Gone, J. P.  (2011). Rethinking cultural competence: Insights from indigenous community treatment settings, Transcultural Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1177/1363461511425622.

Christopher, J.C., Wendt, D.C., & Goodman, D.M. (submitted).  International Psychology: Towards a Hermeneutic Metatheory. PDF